join the two parts of the sentences .use with or when.…

boss174 13 октября 2023

join the two parts of the sentences .use with or when. 1.i was sitting in front of the fire… 2.i was getting the tea ready… 3.she was dusting thecarpet… 4.we were finishing our tea… 5.they were going down the garden path… a.my mother came home from work. b.she stopped and waved. c.they called out to me. d.there was a knock at the door. e.her cat knocked a vase off the table.

категория: английский язык


1.i was sitting in front of the fire when they called out to me2.i was getting the tea ready when there was a knock at the door3.she was dusting the carpet when her cat knocked a vase off the table4.we were finishing our tea when my mother came home from work.5.they were going down the garden path when she stopped and waved

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