Как переводится: Living with half a heart?

aleksey19881988 16 октября 2023

Как переводится: Living with half a heart? Это не значит: жить с половиной сердца, а что-то другое!

категория: английский язык


Примерно значит: без тебя мне жизнь не в радость

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
16 октября 2023
1. If Jane … so clever, she … an intelligent solution to her family problem… 1) hadn’t been; wouldn’t find2) weren’t; wouldn’t have found3) wasn’t; wouldn’t have been found4) wouldn’t be; wouldn’t have found2. If I… Mary was back, I… her to my birthday party.1) knew; would invite2) have known; will invite3) had known; would have invited4) would know; would invite3. I… the film if my DVD… .1) would be recorded; didn’t break2) would have recorded; hadn’t broken3) would record; hadn’t been broken4) would be recording; weren’t breaking4. If Sally … there … five of us.1) came; will be2) comes; would have been3) came; would be4) is coming; were5. If you … into Peter by any chance, tell him to call me.1) had run2) will run3) were run4) run6. If I really … what you want, I … you.1) know; could probably have helped2) knew; could probably help3) had known; could probably be helping4) have known; can probably help7. If it… during our barbecue, we … much more fun.1) hasn’t been raining; would have2) weren’t raining; would have had3) hadn’t been raining; would have had4) won’t be raining; we’ll have8. If we … to pack all the luggage, we … by the nine o’clock train.1) managed; would go2) had managed; would be going3) would manage; will go4) manage; would have gone9. If you … me you were coming, I… you from the station.1) have told; would collect2) had told; would have collected3) told; would be collecting4) tell; would collect10. If I … you, I… my time reading that novel.1) am; won’t waste2) were; wouldn’t waste3) have been; won’t have wasted4) had been; wouldn’t waste11. If he … so stubborn, they… an agreement at the last meeting.1) isn’t; may have reached2) hadn’t been; may reach3) weren’t; might have reached4) haven’t been; might be reached12. If I… toothache as bad as that, I… to a dentist.1) would have; would immediately have gone2) will have; will immediately go3) had had; will immediately have gone4) had; would immediately go

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