Какое это время 1. I have been working on this problem for three…

mak80 25 октября 2023

Какое это время 1. I have been working on this problem for three months already. 2.I worked on this problem threemonths ago. 3. I was working on thisproblem from 3 to 5 yesterday. 4.He always works well. 5.He will work on this problem tomorrow. 6.He will be working on this problem at 3 o'clock tomorrow. 7.They will have finished working on this problem by 3 o'clock tomorrow. 8.He will have translated the half of the article by 3 o'clock next week.

категория: английский язык


1. Present Perfect Continuous2. Past Simple3. Past Continuous4. Present Simple5. Future Simple6. Future Continuous7. Future Perfect8. Future Perfect

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