Kate: We went to Paris last weekend on a school trir

jacky911 02 ноября 2023

Kate: We went to Paris last weekend on a school trir. You: Did you have…? Kate: Yes, we had a lovely time.

категория: английский язык


Kate: We went to Paris last weekend on a school trir.You: Did you have… good time… .? Kate: Yes, we had a lovely time.You: How did… get there…? Kate: By ferry from Dover and then by train to Paris.You: Where… did you stay…? Kate: In a small hotel.You: Was… it good…? Kate: Not too bad, but I did not like the breakfast .You: Did… .you see the sights…? Kate: Yes, we sam Тtree-Damme, the Lourve and the Eiffel Tower.You: … .Did you buy anything… .? Kate: Yes, I bought some chocolate cakes for Lucy but I was so hungry Iate thYou: em! You: … Did you have any problems…? Kate: It was so rough that lots of us were sick.You: … Were you sick…? Kate: No, Sue and I were not sick because we stayed up on deck.

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