Last summer Jimmy (travel)…

sanic 03 сентября 2023

Last summer Jimmy (travel) a lot. In June his father (take) him to the south of France. They (stay) in a hotel on the beach. Jimmy (swim) in the sea, (run) on the sand, (make) sandcastles. He (meet) a lot of interesting people at the resort. In the evening Jimmy (ride) a bike. When he (come) to the hotel, he (write) postcards to his mother. He (know) that she (like) (get) his letters and postcards. Jimmy's father (teach) him (drive) a car. Jimmy could (do) it but not very well. In France Jimmy (speak) French. He (think) he (understand) French people but not always. In July and August Jimmy (have) trips to Italy and Spain. He (enjoy) his summer very much.

категория: английский язык


Last summer Jimmy traveled a lot. In June his father took him tothe south of France. They stayed in a hotel on the beach. Jimmy swamin the sea, ran on the sand, made sandcastles. He met a lot ofinteresting people at the resort. In the evening Jimmy rode a bike.When he came to the hotel, he wrote postcards to his mother. He knew that she liked to get his letters and postcards. Jimmy's father taught him to drive a car. Jimmy could do it but not very well. InFrance Jimmy spoke French. He thought he understood French peoplebut not always. In July and August Jimmy had trips to Italy andSpain. He enjoyed his summer very much.

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