letter of application (письмо работодателю)…

natabu 24 ноября 2023

letter of application (письмо работодателю) 1. Your full address and e-mail. (Адрес и электронная почта) 2. The … or the name of theperson who you are writing to and the name of the organization. (Должность или имя человека, которому вы пишите)

категория: английский язык


Mrs. JaksonVolgogradskiy prosp,Moscow 17,12,2011 Dear Mrs. Jakson,I am writing in reply to your advertisement in local newspaper "Your Day". I am therefore applying for the post as an eligible candidate and sending you my resume and educational certificates for inspection and review.I have worked in Children Care Centre for the last 2 years and have a good experience in the baby sitting and nursing field.I believe that I have the patience and endurance to be a good babysitter and I have a fondness towards babies. With a long experience and educational background in child care, I can deliver the optimal level of care that is needed in this profession. Victoria Rinas.

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