Люди умоляю вас! Помогите, меня завтра учителя прибьют!

connor 31 июля 2024

Люди умоляю вас! Помогите, меня завтра учителя прибьют! Надо обьяснить согласен ли ты или не согласен с этим утверждением 4 — 5 предложений! ЛЮБОЙЧЕЛОВЕК МОЖЕТ СОДЕРЖАТЬ ЛЮБОЕ ЖИВОТНОЕ У СЕБЯ ДОМА: КОШКУ, ЗМЕЮ, КРОКОДИЛА, льва и так делее. Напишите мне на английском. Нет, я не согласна. Животные бывают дикими и домашними. За каждым животным нужен свой уход. За домашними животными люди знают как ухаживать, и характеристику этих животных. За дикими животными люди не могут ухаживать так как за домашними. Диким животными будет не уютно сидеть дома у хозяина им нужна природа. ВОТ ЭТО НУЖНО МНЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ТОЛЬКО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НЕ НАДО ВБИВАТЬ ЭТО В ПЕРЕВОДЧИК ОН ПЕРЕВОДИТ НЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО! Люди помогите прошу вас! Умоляю.

категория: английский язык


I do not agree. animals are wild and domestic. for each animal needs its own care. Grooming people know how to care for, and character of these animals. wild animals, people can not take care of as a pet. wild animals will not sit comfortably at home in the host they need nature.

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31 июля 2024
Помогите пожалуйста поставить глаголы в правильные времена… .: After a lovely walk in Christchurch Park, we were on our way home when suddenlymy boys (remember): " What about going to Santa's Grotto, Mum? ". I (hope) they would forget, I (be) so tired. " But you promised, " they (insist). I was surprised at their enthusiasm. They seemed quite big boys to me. Nick (be) eight, Fyodor (be) seven. As for baby Ivan, his opinion (remain) unknown, as he (be) only eleven months old. A promise is a promise , so I (go) to the shopping mall. Santa's Grotto was on the second floor, on the left. A few days carlier, I (ask) a sales assistant what was requited no get into Santa's Grotto. It turned out, nothing. We just (come) and (join) the queve. Finally, it was our tam to see Santa . Suddenly I heard Nick (read) loodly and distinnly: " Please do not forget to purсhase a ticket ." What ticket? I couldn't believe it. I (start) pirsthing our there (be) not time , and we just (go) in. We (look) around. In the halflight,we (see) owaete. They (nod) their heads and their reindeer (get) ready for a ride. All was covered with glittering snow. In the middle of the Grotto I saw Santa who was narrounded by becomes with presents . But, oh no! The tickets: We have none! Santa (talk) to a small girl, asking her gently about bet interests , and then (give) her a present. It (be) our turn to talk with Santa. I (feel) so ashamed, I (want) to disappear. Why I (come) have without the tickets? Why I (waste) Santa's time? I (whisper) to the boys: " You (get) your presents on Russian Christmas, on the seventh of January." They (look) miserable. Santa was about to start a conversation with them when I (whisper) his ear: " I (be) awfully sorry, but we (have) no tickets. They (get) their presents on Russian christmas, the seventh of January. " Santa (be) surprised. (Be) the boys in front of him Russian? Yes, they be. (Be) all of them mine? Of course, they (be) mine. He (ask) them a few simple questions with such genuine interest that they. (melt) and (tell) Santa about everything. Them their eyes (sparkle) their cheeks (glow) in delight. What an amazing person Santa was: Santa (ask) me about Russian Christmas. I (explain) that we (celebrate) by the Julian calendar. Santa (nod) understandingly. Them to me astonishment. Santa (give) each of the boys a present, wrapped in beautiful colourful paper. The baby (grad) his present quickly and (hold) it tight. I (be) speechless. I (can not) say a word. Such kind eyes (look) at me through the spectacles, and such a gentle voice (say): " After all, it's Christmas." We (leave) the Grotto and (btink) in the bright clghr of cotside. Snddenly it (occur) to me that I (can) say them. The cashier (receive) the payment indifferently, but it (not matter). We (see) just Santa and that was all that mastered. " If anyoce ever (say) that Santa (not exist). I said My boys (look) at me so happfly that I (not finish) the sentence.

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