Make sentences about yourself using the prompts

struva 06 октября 2023

Make sentences about yourself using the prompts. Work with other students. Ask questions to find the people with the same answers. Three things I havedone since I was 6 years old. Three things I have been doing for a couple of weeks. Three things I haven’t done this week.

категория: английский язык


I have drawn a lot of pictures since I was 6.I have have rread a lot of books since I was 6.I have learnt to swim since I was 6. Здесь можно задавать любые вопросы по образцу: Have you drawn a lot of pictures since you were 6? I have been reading the book War and Peace for a couple of weeks.I have been writing the article to the local newspaper for a couple of weeks.I have been waiting for an answer from my pen-friend from America. Здесь можно задавать вопросы по образцу: Have you been reading the book War and Peace for a couple of weeks? I haven't seen any film on TV this week.I haven't played tennis this week.I haven't visited my friends this week. А здесь вопросы по образцу: Have you seen any films on TV this week?

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