Make the following interrogative and negative…

caiiiok 30 сентября 2023

Make the following interrogative and negative 1. The teacher repeated the question. 2. The boys played football in the afternoon. 3. The girl caught cold.4. Mother turned off the gas. 5. They slept in the open air. 6. The pupils answered at once. 7. The boy broke the window. 8. The woman changed her clothes. 9. The tourists reached the village before dark. 10. The clock struck five. 11. Our team won the match. 12. The doctor allowed you to go out. Только задание без перевода

категория: английский язык


1.Uchitel repeat the question? 2.Malchiki played football in the second half of the day? 3.Devushka prostudilas? . 4. Mother turned off the gas right? 5. They slept in the open air? 6. Pupils respond immediately? 7.Malchik decompositions a window? 8.Zhenschina changed her clothes? 9.Turisty reached the village before dark? 10.Chasy struck five? 11. Our team won the match? 12.Vrach let you go out?

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