Make the sentences from the following words.…

berri 09 ноября 2023

Make the sentences from the following words. 1. a lot of, London, there, stadiums, are, in.2. many, do have,how, apples, you? 3. ice-cream, don't, i eat, every day,much.4. coffe,drink, you, much, do? 5. any, in, there, my, isn't, tea, cup.6. see, I, children, in the park, can, some.7. free, have, I, time, got, little.

категория: английский язык


1) There are a lot of stadiums in London.2) How many apples do you have? 3) I don't eat much ice-cream every day.4) Do you drink much coffe? 5) There isn't any tea in my cup.6) I can see some children in the Park.7) I have got a little free time.8) There are few bears in the Zoo.9) I can play a lot of computer games.10) Do you drink much Cola?

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