Make these sentences passive.…

skyrec 26 сентября 2023

Make these sentences passive. 1.They have published her new book recently 2.The town counceil has just opened our local museum. 3.Their house looks verysmart after they have painted it 4.The room looks nice.Somebody has cleaned it. 5.My dress is clean.Someone has washed it. 6.Dinner is ready and hot.Someone has just cooked it. 7.They have opened a new theatre in the city. 8.There are no letters on the table.Somebody has posted them.

категория: английский язык


1. a new book has been published recently by them2. our local museum has just been opened by the town counceil.3. Their house has been painted by them.4. The room has been cleaned by somebody.5. The drees has been washed by somebody.6. The dinner has just been cooked by somebody.7. A new theatre has been opened in the city by them.8. The letters have been posted by somebody.

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