Мини проект по английскому языку "Music preferences profile"

redzz 17 октября 2023

Мини проект по английскому языку "Music preferences profile"

категория: английский язык


I think music is great! I love classik music, folk, kantri and all more! You can hear the sorrow and joy and evil, and more. Music is live! Without music, life would not be! I love music!

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
17 октября 2023
Open the brackets,put the verbs into the present simple.1. I usually (to wash up) at three o'clock.2. Mybrother (to make) the bed at a quarter past eight.3. His uncle usually (to come) home at ten o'clock.4. we often (to have) supper at eight o'clock.5.My grandfather always (to write) letter to his friend in the evening.6Ann usually (to wash) face and hands at half past seven.7.I (to do) my homework at five o'clock.8.Ben always (to go) to the stadium at six o'clock.9She usually (to have) dinner at two o'clock.10.Her grandmother often (to watch) TV in the morning.11. My parents sometimes (to go) shopping in the evening.12.His cousin usually (to go) to bed at twelve o'clock.13.My grandfather always (to take) a shower in the morning .14.We seldon (tohave) supper at ten o'clock.15. They (to like) to write letters.16.My father usually (to wash) face and hands at half past seven.17.His friend sometimes (to have) lunch at half past twelve.18.Our friends always (to play) football at three o'clock.Fill in 'do' or 'does'1.-he swim well? 2.-Molly live in England? 3.-Cliff and Julia go to school? 4.-you speak English very well? 5.-she like to drink lemonade? 6.-Tom and George go to a disco club? 7.-you want to be a sportsman? 8.-Alice often wash her hair? 9.-Mike and Don get up early? 10.-Charles wear his new jacket? 11.-he want to be a postman? 12.-Sue and Phil visit their grandparents? 13.-she live in Finland? 14.- Ben go to music school? 15.-your Granny listen to the radio716.-they like to eat hamburgers? 17.-Cliff work in his office? 18.-Tib and Jake speak French?

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