Надо описать знаменитость на английском языке, сокращенно

fluffy 21 ноября 2023

Надо описать знаменитость на английском языке, сокращенно

категория: английский язык


Colin Wilson was born in the city of Leicester (County of Leicestershire, United Kingdom) , 16 years left school, he worked in a factory, then as a clerk in a local tax office, served in the Royal Air Force, the seller log in Paris, in his free time engaged in literary work. in 1954, began earning a living literary work in 1956, published his first book, \"Stranger\", which was a success. in the late 60 's, Wilson began to lecture at universities in the United States taught literature at Hollins College, Virginia, at the University of Washington in Seattle, Rutgers University in New Brunswick (New Jersey) , the Institute of Mediterranean to the Spanish island of Majorca. in 1967, Colin Wilson wrote one of the most famous of his works is a novel \"Parasites of consciousness\" (1967). in 1987, started writing his most popular fantastic saga \"the world of Spiders\", quickly became a cult it later as the saga of Conan, dopisyvali many other science fiction writers. now lives in seclusion in his cottage in Cornwall. Fiction — not the main area of activity of the writer Colin Wilson is the author of more than eighty books in the field of literary criticism, music, Criminology, sociology, history, occult, philosophy, sexuality.

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