Надо прокомментировать цитату

dartalex 13 ноября 2023

Надо прокомментировать цитату (5 предложений) "Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future"Фотографы открывают двери в прошлое, но они иногда заглядывают в будущее»

категория: английский язык


This quotation describes my attitude to the photographs in the most exact way. Soetimes, looking at an old photo we can see or imagine how did people live at that time. Some of the photos are very valuable for the historians, because they contain a great ammount of information. As for the future — modern photographs often like to edit their photos using computer technologies. Looking at such photos we can imagine the beauty of the future. Also, sometimes people draw futuristic devices, cars, etc. and it is also very interesting.

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