Написать 5-7 предложений на английском об Уэльсе

gothic 30 марта 2024

Написать 5-7 предложений на английском об Уэльсе (Уэльс-страна, которая входит в Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и СевернойИрландии) ,

категория: английский язык


To VIII century eastern border of Wales more or less established. Traditionally, Offa, King of Mercia, built a huge earthen wall on the edge of their possessions in order to separate from Wales inhabited mainly Welsh part of Powys, which he won. Offa shaft partially preserved to this day, and Welsh is still sometimes, going to England, saying that cross shaft Offa (croesi Clawdd Offa).The major kingdoms were Gwynedd (north-west Wales) , Deheubarth (south-west) and Powys (east and north-east). Most of them came from the rulers of the house of Rhodri the Great. Although Wales was not a single state, and the kingdom is often at odds with each other (to his side the British, Irish and Scandinavian) , the country was united by a common cultural heritage, as well as codes of law, codified by Hywel the Good. Извини может быть много ^^А так эта история Уэльса

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