Написать небольшой рассказ на ангийском языке о моде

sanya 03 октября 2023

Написать небольшой рассказ на ангийском языке о моде

категория: английский язык


Some people think that clothes that you wear can really affect how they feel about yourself, others don’t really care how fashionable their clothes are and how they look. Some people think that clothes that you wear can really affect how they feel about yourself, others don’t really care how fashionable their clothes are and how they look.On the one hand, it’s true that your look is really important, because people around you judge who you are by your appearance.To start with, good clothes make you feel better because it seems that others like you.In addition, when you are dressed for the occasion, you really start thinking that you fit into the surroundings. For example, all serious people wear business suits when they go to important meetings.Furthermore, it’s not a secret that good clothes open all doors even though it’s not a positive thing.

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