Написать сочинение на английском на тему: "Человек…

feyamag 29 августа 2023

Написать сочинение на английском на тему: "Человек, который меня вдохновляет и является примером для меня». Про маму, желательно бы. Около 10-15 предложений.

категория: английский язык


My mother is the best person I have ever met in my life. First of all Iwant to tell you that my mother's name is Irina and she is 37. Her height isnearly 164 cm. But she'd like to be a bit taller. Well, she is not slim but she is not fat either. Mymother has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerfulgrey eyes. Her skin is a bit pale but she likes this fact, she doesn't likeruddy faces. She has no frecklesas my friend Nina has. Her forehead is open. I think my mother has a charmingsmile. Her hair isn'tvery short but it's not long either. It is straight and black. Shehas rich hair.I think that shelooks like her father. My mother is very kind and friendly, she knows everything and she is very helpful. She can help everyone. I lave her very much.

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