Написать сочинение на тему: Как я провела эти зимние каникулы

karpova0205 02 октября 2023

Написать сочинение на тему: Как я провела эти зимние каникулы

категория: английский язык


Winter break — this is a very fun time. Let them consider the length, I do not waste time.Morning my weekend started with my mother's charge and tasty breakfast. In the afternoon we went with friends to the rink sometimes skied in a city park. And on the weekend we went with dad out of town, where skiing and tubing. As explained to me Dad, tubing — these rubber rubber rings to which you want to roll downhill. The speed of my breath away and I even screamed with delight! In the evening I was playing with his sister and sometimes sat at the computer, communicating via the Internet with their relatives from out of town. Before going to bed I have to read the book.When Mom and Dad were at the weekend, my family visited a cinema. We visited many of the new cartoons and movies. Also, my mother and my sister take her to a children's puppet theater. There we watched a fun and funny idea. After the theater, we went into a cafe. Mom bought us a big yummy sundae and milkshake.Winter break — it is also the New Year. We met a family holiday. In the evening, a large table covered and decorated the Christmas tree. In 12 hours, we all went out into the street, where fireworks and lit sparklers. Parents do not let me go to bed and my sister and cousin played and had fun until the morning. We woke up the next day only for lunch, but under the tree we were waiting for gifts. I know that these beautiful boxes prepared for us parents, but it was nice to get a long-awaited gifts.On Christmas Day we went to the village to our beloved grandmother, who fed us delicious cakes and dumplings. In the village, we walked all day, sledding and skiing.My vacation was great. I went to different places, walk up and have a good rest!

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02 октября 2023
СРОЧНО НУЖЕН перевод текста без ошибок! (чтобы было понятно о чем идет речь) JOSEPHINE COCHRANE invented the dishwasher in 1886, inShelbyville, Illinois. Mrs Cochrane was a rich woman who had lots of fancy dinner parties. She didn’t do any of the dishes herself because she had servants to do that for her, but she wanted a machine that could do the job faster without breaking as many dishes. No one had invented such a machine so she built one herself. First she measured the dishes. Then she built wire compartments, each specially designed to fit plates, cups, or saucers. The compartments were placed inside a wheel that lay flat inside a copper boiler. A motor turned the wheel, while hot soapy water squirted up from the bottom of the boiler and rained down on the dishes. Her invention worked! Her friends were really impressed and asked her to make dishwashing machines for them, calling them the “Cochrane Dishwasher” . Her friends talked a lot about their new machines and soon Mrs Cochrane was getting orders for her dishwashing machine from restaurants and hotels in Illinois. She patented her design and went into production. She showed her invention at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair and won the highest award. You don’t have to be a genius to be an inventor. It just takes thought and creativity. Every invention starts out as an idea and everybody has ideas. That means anyone can be an inventor. That includes you!

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