Написать сочинение по теме жизнь в деревне

skladoff 06 сентября 2023

Написать сочинение по теме жизнь в деревне

категория: английский язык


Our life in the large city is morebeautiful than the country or in the town. First of all there are no anyconveniences in country houses. The second reason is that in a large citywe have many ways of getting an education such as a great number of different schools,colleges, institutes and universities and there are many big shopping centers in a large city too. You caneasily find any job in a large city because there many plants andfactories in it. If you are ill you can go to abig hospital and get any medical help. And at lastthere are many places where we can have a fun, for example cinemas andtheatres, clubs, parks, squares. Thatis why I would like to live in a large city.

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