Напишите кроткий рассказ

almater 19 октября 2023

Напишите кроткий рассказ (8-10 предложений) о том, что бы вы хотели посмотреть в Лондоне ипочему.

категория: английский язык


London is one of the most famous city all around the world . A lot of people travel to this place to look great outdoors and wonderful buildings . One of the most popular sight is Elizabeth's tower or Big Ben . It is big clock in centre if town and it is has some interesting facts , therefore it is one of the most well-know place in London . The next is Westminster Abbey-it is the greatest English Gothic style building . Tower Bridge is also popular in London . It has real difficult design . Of course , London has much more well-know places: Trafalgar Square, London Eye , Buckingham Palace , Hyde Park and so on . And , without an expection all of them are popular , beautiful , interesting and all-time favorite!

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