Напишите пожалуйста на английском языке 10-15 предложений…

starikalex 10 мая 2024

Напишите пожалуйста на английском языке 10-15 предложений, что для меня значит окружающая среда: с употреблениемслов: oceans,rivers,seas,lakes,forests,animals

категория: английский язык


The inviroment is very important for me. My life and the life of the next generation are depended on the inviroment. Our nature plays the great role in our life. That's why we must save oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests and animals. We mustn't pollute water. We mustn't kill animals. We mustn't cut down the trees. We must think about our future and the future of our planet. I think I am too small to change something. But when I walk in the park or in the forest I never drop litter. I don't make fire in the forest. I always turn off water and electricity. I think that if every person do the same as me the world will change. I think that if you want to change something you must begin with youself. I think that the inviroment is a big problem and we must think about it and od something.

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