Напишите пожалуйста небольшой рассказ на английском языке про жирафа

vlad967 15 октября 2023

Напишите пожалуйста небольшой рассказ на английском языке про жирафа. (10-11 предл)

категория: английский язык


Giraffe is one of the tallest animals on Earth. Giraffes live in the savannas of Africa. The largest population of giraffes today live in reserves. Giraffes are exclusively herbivores. They prefer trees of acacia. Fluid requirement is covered mainly by food, which is why the giraffe can go without drinking for weeks. If he still drinks, it can at one time up to 38 liters of drinking water. Giraffes live alone or in small flocks, not really tied to each other. Like fingerprints, color giraffe is also unique. I think giraffes are very beautiful animals and we must protect its habitat.

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