Напишите пожалуйста) с англиским не очень…

medifit2011 02 октября 2023

Напишите пожалуйста) с англиским не очень, сочинение на тему What does healthy living mean

категория: английский язык


Healthy living’ means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and introducing habits that improve your health.It’s about enjoying yourself without risking your health. It’s what you eat and drink; sleeping well and managing stress. It’s about practicing safe sex, drinking alcohol responsibly and not abusing drugs. It’s about being physically active and staying connected with others.It’s about being aware of any health risks related to your illness and its treatment, and working with your doctor to monitor these and then take action.It’s taking responsibility for your overall health including having regular check-ups for your eyes and teeth.It’s about feeling fitter physically, mentally and emotionally

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