Напишите сочинение как я провел зимние каникулы

aws04 01 сентября 2023

Напишите сочинение как я провел зимние каникулы (На английском конечно). Где то 100 слов (если не сложно можно 120). Интернет переводчиком не пользоватьсятолько! Сочинение пишите на свою фантазию)

категория: английский язык


How I spent my winter vacationVery good winter season. On the street all is white , nature seemed frozen in anticipation of a miracle. A miracle — a celebration of the New Year! Celebrate the New Year came to our house guests . It was fun! Once the clock struck 12 , I went with my friend on the street. We played in the snow , riding a roller coaster and lit sparklers. Going home , my friend and I were like snowmen . We did not sleep until the morning and all the while having fun . The next day, the guests had departed, but the holiday spirit remains.Winter vacation I loved , I had a good time: a lot of walking on the street , skate , went to visit his grandmother . But I do not just play and have fun . On vacation I was doing karate and passed the exam for 6 kyu , now I have a green belt , even went to the Republican contest , which took place in the village Raevka . And as I went to engage in linguistic Academy of English.

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