Напишите текст про королевство англи на англ. С переводом

dp9hb 28 октября 2023

Напишите текст про королевство англи на англ. С переводом

категория: английский язык


Kingdom of England is gosudorstvo in Western Europe, occupying the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Kingdom existed from 927 to 1707 goda.S 1066 became the capital of England, London. Their money is not called dollars and sterling. The last queen of the Kingdom A ngliya was Anna.Korolevstvo England after unification with the Kingdom of Scotland was transformed into the Kingdom of Great Britain. Королевство Англия это госудорство в Западной Европе, занимавшее южную часть острова Великобритания. Королевство существовало с 927 по 1707 года. С 1066 года столицей Англии стал город Лондон. Их деньги назывались не доллары, а стерлинги. Последняя королева в Королевстве Англия была Анна. Королевство Англия после объединения с королевством Шотландия трансформировалась в Королевство Великобритании.

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27 октября 2023
III. Прямая и косвенная речь. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную: 1) She said: “I like to go to different places.” 2) He says: “I amgoing to visit London next week.” 3) I said: “I have never been to Greece.” 4) The boy asked: “Please, give me some more sweets.” 5) He asked: “Where do you come from? ” 6) The teacher said: “Children, don’t make noise! ” 7) My friend said: “I visited San-Francisco last year.” 8) Tom asked: “Where are you going, Jane? ” 9) Jane answered: “I’m going to the theatre.” 10) The teacher always asks: “Who is absent? IV. Определите тип условного предложения и раскройте скобки: 1) If I (to be) you, I (not to say) what you said yesterday. 2) If Jane (to know) that Tim didn’t have much money at him, she (not to allow) him to pick up the tab. 3) You are so lazy, my friend! If you (not to work) hard, you (to fail) at the exams in June. 4) “If she (to wait) for somebody, she (not to wear) the bathrobe” , said the policeman about the murdered woman. 5) Calm down! If you (not to be) so excited, it (to be) easier for us to help you. 6) Look, if you (to stop) eating cakes and sweets when the doctor told you, you (to have) less problems with your weight and health now. 7) Ben (to enjoy) the main course if he (not to eat) all the appetizers before it was served. 8) If you (not to be) tired, we (can) go to the wine bar, but you look exhausted so we are going home. 9) If there (to be) a fixed price menu, we (to have) to eat what they offer. 10) Many years ago, in his childhood if Ken (to see) a platter of sweets, he (not to stop) eating till there was nothing left.

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