Напишите вопросы о спорте например какой твой любимый спорт…

olegon26rus 29 сентября 2023

Напишите вопросы о спорте например какой твой любимый спорт, твой любимый спортсмен и так дальше

категория: английский язык


Do you like sport? What sport do you like? What's your favorite sportsman? Do you like watching sport? What sport do you like watching? What football team do you support? Do you go in for sport? How often do you go in for sport? Do you watch Olympic games? Do you take part in competitions? Do you win?

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
29 сентября 2023
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени (настоящем или будущем) When he (return) I’ll give him the key. ______________________________________________________________________ He’ll be ready as soon as you (be). ______________________________________________________________________ I’ll stay in bed till the clock (strike) seven. ______________________________________________________________________ She will be delighted when she (hear) this. ______________________________________________________________________ When the laundry comes I (have) some clean handkerchief. ______________________________________________________________________ I shan’t buy tomatoes till the price (come) down. ______________________________________________________________________ Stay here till the lights (turn) green. ______________________________________________________________________ When it (get) cold I’ll light the fire. ______________________________________________________________________ The lift (not start) until you press that button. ______________________________________________________________________ She’ll have to behave better when she (go) to school. ______________________________________________________________________ When you look at yourself in the glass you (see) what mean. ______________________________________________________________________ He (be) here before you go. ______________________________________________________________________ I (lend) you cassette recorder whenever you want it. ______________________________________________________________________ He (wake) up when we turn the lights on. ______________________________________________________________________

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