New York is on the … River. Another name for New York is …

dhanu 26 октября 2023

New York is on the … River. Another name for New York is … . It consists of five boroughs: … The heart of New York is … . It has a lot of… .One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest … in New York but only since … . One of New York's most famous museums is … . It's famous for its building, which was designed by … . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on … . The fastest way to see New York is by … . You need to buy a … and it will take you all over the city.

категория: английский язык


On the Hudson River. boroughs: the Brox,the Brooklyn,Staten Island, Manhattan,Queens. York is Manhattan… of sightsво 2 -: museum is the Guggenhem.

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