Нужен рассказ про любую спортивную команду!

rem76 20 сентября 2023

Нужен рассказ про любую спортивную команду! Составте разказ для 6 класса плз! Рассказ 9-12 предложений. Срочно!

категория: английский язык


About Football and Arsenal FCFootball’s a funny old game, as a reasonably famous television pundit in Britain once said. And he was right. One moment you can be beguiled by its beauty, the next you are mugged by its ability to frustrate and disappoint. I chose to support Arsenal Football Club having watched them lose a cup final. Yes, lose. Arsenal, who play at the Emirates Stadium in North London, are one of the English Premier League’s 20 teams. Founded in 1886, they have won countless league and cup competitions in their lifetime and are, arguably, one of the biggest clubs in Europe. You will sometimes hear Arsenal referred to as the Gunners, a nickname that originates in the fact that the club was started by workers at the Woolwich Arsenal Armament factory. Fans are known as affectionately as Gooners. Football, as you will probably have already guessed, also goes by the name of soccer.

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