Нужно написать рассказ о роботе на английском!

vadimb 21 ноября 2023

Нужно написать рассказ о роботе на английском!

категория: английский язык


Once upon a time there was a robot who could do anything. He rebuilt broken houses, saved citizens in their time of need, and brought peace to the whole city in which he lived in. But one day he suddenly changed. Maybe it was a change in his wire, or something else, but he was never the same again since. The hero-like robot turned evil. He no longer helped anyone, but only caused misfortune wherever he went. And so the citizens of the city, who once loved and adored the robot, decided to attack and destory him, before he destroyed them. And so he was gone. Although the people were still angry at him, and claimed him to be a villian, he still was commened for his past good doings.

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