Нужно написать сочинение на тему Подработка для подростков…

litera 12 октября 2023

Нужно написать сочинение на тему Подработка для подростков на каникулах

категория: английский язык


Almost all cities, minors wishing to earn for themselves can find such vacancies: — To work in food service: helper in the kitchen, the waiter or bartender to work with non-alcoholic cocktails; — Institutions for green economy always needs helpers for planting, watering, weeding greenery, lawns hometown; — Promoter — provided work in shopping centers on specialized promotions for children's parties; — Commercial businesses need: shop assistant (consultation by goods placement of the product).Also, a lot of work for teenagers associated with a personal computer (electronic data processing) , internet, work on your phone.Many of the manufacturers, for narrow-or large-scale actions or prezentovaniya their products, have recourse to the youth. In this case, the work is in the distribution of leaflets, holding tasting products (for the food industry). In this case, everyone wins, and producer services as boys and girls are much cheaper, and the young people have nice extra income!

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