Нужно описать один спорт. (10 предложений) Помогите пожалуйста

olleg 25 сентября 2023

Нужно описать один спорт. (10 предложений) Помогите пожалуйста. Срочно надо!

категория: английский язык


Sports command ball game. In basketball two commands play, each of which consists of five players. The purpose of each command — to throw hands a ball in a ring with a grid (basket) of the contender and to prevent other command to seize a ball and to throw it in the basket. [1] Kорзина is at height of 3,05 metres from a floor (10 foots). From each command on a platform is on 5 persons, all in a command of 12 persons, replacements are not limited. For a ball thrown from a near and average distance, 2 points, with distant — 3 points are set off. The penal throw is estimated in one point. The standard size of a basketball platform of 28 metres at length and 15 metres at width. Basketball — one of the most popular kinds of sports in the world

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