Нужно сделать реферат на английском языке о любом городе кроме Месквы…

killerbe 26 сентября 2023

Нужно сделать реферат на английском языке о любом городе кроме Месквы и СПБ где должно быть: Географическое положение, горы, реки, озера, климат ипогода, основная промышл культура,

категория: английский язык


Kiev — one of the largest cities in Europe, the administrative, economic, scientific, cultural and educational center of Ukraine. There are more than 2,5 million inhabitants. Modern Kiev is developing dynamically, restored and recovered, therefore attracts more and more tourists.According to legend, Kiev was founded in Kiem VI — VII centuries. BC The rise of the city contributed to its geographical position: it took the most important trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" in Constantinople (Constantinople) , to Asia, to the Don, to Novgorod. Over the centuries Kiev has repeatedly passed into the hands of the various nations and peoples, while in 1934, did not become the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.Kiev has a great cultural stock — there are more than 30 museums, about 2000 unique architecture, 33 theaters, a large number of permanent art exhibitions. The main attractions of the city, which was his "calling card" — a Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia Cathedral, Golden Gate, St. Andrew's Church, Khreschatyk and Independence Square.

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