Нужны вопросы не меньше 15 We live in Ukraine

vitalya-stepa 01 октября 2023

Нужны вопросы не меньше 15 We live in Ukraine. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Kiev is one of the biggest cites of Ukraine. It stands on the Dniperriver. There are a lot of bridges over the Dniper. Kiev is a green city. A symbol of Kiev is a chestnut tree. It is an old city with different places of interest. Tourist can visit ovir capital and take photos of interesting sights.

категория: английский язык


1. Where do you live? 2, What is the capital of Ukraine? 3. Is Kiev one of the biggest cites of Ukraine? 4,wHERE is Kiev situated? 5, What river does Kiev stand on? 6, Are there a lot of bridges over the Dniper? 7, How many briges are there over the Dniper? 8. Are there a lot of trees in Kiev? 9, Is Kiev a green city? 10. What is the symbol of Kiev? 11, Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kiev? 12. Is it is an old city? 13. Has Kiev many places of interest? 14. What can tourists do in our capital? 15, A lot of tourists visit Kiev every year. don*t they? 16, Why do tourists visit Kiev?

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