Очень надо помогите Pr.Perf.Cont\Pr.Perf\Pr.Simple\Pr.Cont1.Mr

kapustinivan 07 сентября 2023

Очень надо помогите Pr.Perf.Cont\Pr.Perf\Pr.Simple\Pr.Cont1.Mr.Woods (not\fell) well for over a month 2.they (be) in london now. They (live) there for the last six months. 3.where you (be)? I (wait) for you for over an hour. 4.I (tipe) this report since yesterday and I'm only half way throught. 5.Your mum is still in the kitchen. she (cook) all morning. -Yes.We (expect) guests tonight 6.It (rain) since yesterday evening. I wonder when it'll stop.7.I (die) of thirst. Is there a water-Fountain near here? 8. My daughter (study) English at London. She (be) there for two years.9.Sorry about the mess. I (redecorate) the kitchen. 10.You won't believe it, but I (want) two months for my phone to be repaired.11.Since when he (learn) Chinese? — Since he got to universty12.We (build) this garage ourselves and hope to finish it within the next two months13.We (not\finish) cleaning the machines yet. 14.oh, you (have) a shave! You look strange without a beard.15.I (borrow) books from this library since we moved here.16.She (be) on the phone for half an hour now. Who she (talk) to? 17. he (collect) stamps ever since he was a small boy.18.I (study) hard of late. I've got exams next week19.I (learn) Spanish since last year20. You look tired. — Yes , I (work) non-stop all day21.You look tired. I think you (work) hard lately and you (not\get) enough fresh air and exercise.

категория: английский язык


1) has not felt2) are/ have been living3) Where are you? … have been waiting4) have been typing5) has been cooking/ are expecting6) has been raining7) am dying8) studies/ has been9) am redecorating10) want11) Since when has he been learning… 12) build13) have not finished14) have had15) have borrowed16) has been / Who is she talking to? 17) has been collecting18) have been studying19) have been learning20) have been working21) have worked/ haven't got

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