tookis 04 ноября 2023

ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС! Английский язык 5 класс. Короче задание такое, пассивный залог. Нужно изменить слова, чтобы получилось предложениес пассивным залогом. Вот предложения: England (separate) from Scotland by mountains. It (wash) by the North Sea. The main cities of England (situate) in the centre of the country. London, it's capital, (found) many centuries ago. It used to be a port too. A lot of goods (bring) to London from many countries now. Many different things (sell) in the shops and streets of London. London (visit) by many tourists every year.

категория: английский язык


England is separated from Scotland by mountains. It is washed by the North Sea. The main cities of England are situated in the centre of the country. London, it's capital, was founded many centuries ago. It used to be a port too. A lot of goods are brought to London from many countries now. Many different things are sold in the shops and streets of London. London is visited by many tourists every year.

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