ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО! Составить 5 общих вопросов в The present simple Tense…

petercash 17 сентября 2023

ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО! Составить 5 общих вопросов в The present simple Tense Составить 5 альтернативных вопросов в The present simple Tense составить 5 специальных вопросов в The present simple Tense Составить 5 общих вопросов в The present Progressive Tence Составить 5 альтернативных вопросов в The present Progressive Tence составить 5 специальных вопросов в The present Progressive Tence Срочно нужно!

категория: английский язык


Present SimpleОбщиеDoes he go to school every day? Does she really like singing? Is it cold today? Do cats catch mice? Has he got a real friend? АльтернативныеDoes she go to shool every day oronce a month? Do cats catch mice or dogs? Is the Earth round or square? Is Russia bigger or smaller thanother countries? Does he like skiing or skating? СпециальныеWhat does he do at school everyday? Who likes dancing? When does winter come? Where does she live? What does she always wait for? Present progressiveОбщиеIs it raining now? Is the sun shining at the moment? Is he writing his composition now? Are they swimming in the pool atthe moment? Are you doing your homework? АльтернативныеAre you doing your homework orwatching TV now? Is it raining or snowing now? Are they flying to Italy or toCanada now? Is he reading a book or aweb-page? Is she clever or not? СпециальныеWhat is she looking forward for? Where are they going to go nextsummer? When is he leaving for France? Whom is she writing an e-mail? What are they doing now?

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