Open the blackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite.…

sitkina 24 сентября 2023

Open the blackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Her son (to stake) yesterday evening. 2. Children (njt to help) their mother about thehouse. 3. My uncle (to shake) yesterday evening 4. His aunt (to drink) coffee for breakfast yesterdsy. 5. my little sister (to skip) yesterdsy. 6. His parent (not to ski) last month. 7. the girls (to run) at the school spotts ground last weel. 8.My cousin (not to do) his homework yesterday morning. 9. I (to swim) last yeat.

категория: английский язык


1. Her son staked yesterday evening.2. Children did not help their mother about the house.3. My uncle shook yesterday evening.4. His aunt drank coffee for breakfast yesterdsy.5. My little sister skipped yesterdsy.6. His parents did not ski last month.7. The girls ran at the school sports ground last week.8.My cousin didn't do his homework yesterday morning.9. I swam last yeat.

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