Open the brackets to make the story complete

v1010 10 ноября 2023

Open the brackets to make the story complete (учебник английского языка 7 класса афанасьевой и михеевой,№74-юнит 4: One day when Pooh Bearalready (1.visit) some of his friends and had nothing else to do, he (2.think) he (3.go) round to Piglet`s house (4. see) what Piglet ([ссылка появится после проверки модератором]). It (6.snow) since early morning. Pooh (7.expect) (8.find) Piglet (9.warm) his toes in front of his fire, but to his surprise he (10.see) that the door (11.be) open, and the more he (12.look) inside the more Piglet (13.not, be) there. "So what I (14.do) ," said Pooh, "is this. I (15.go) home first and see what the time (16.be) , and perhaps I (17.put) a scarf round my neck, and then I (18.go) and (19.see) Eeyore ahd (20.sing) my new hum to him." He (21.hurry) back to his own house; when he (22.open) his door he suddenly (23.see) Piglet (24.sit) in his best armchair and looking as if he (25.sit) there for a long time. Pooh could only (26.stand) there (27.wonder) whose he (28.be) in. "Hallo, Piglet," he said. "I (29.think) you (30.be) out."No," said Piglet."it`s you who (31.be) out. I (32.sit) here for an hour already." Pooh (33.look) up at his clock, which (34.stop) at five minutes to eleven some weeks before. "Nearly eleven o`clock," said Pooh happily. "You (35.be) just in time for a little something," and he (36.put) his head into the cupboard. "And then we (37.go) out, Piglet, and (38.sing) my song to Eeyore". "Which song, Pooh? "The one we (39.be) going to sing to Eeyore," (40.explain) Pooh. The clock (41.show) still five minutes to eleven when Pooh and Piglet (42.set) out on their way half an later.

категория: английский язык


1. had already visited 2. thought 3. went 4.saw 6. have been snowing 7. expected 8. to find 9. warming 10. saw 11. was open 12. looked 13. wasn't 14. will I do 15. will go 16. is 17. will put 18. will go 19. see 20. will sing 21. hurried 22. was opening 23. saw 24. sitting 25. had been sitting 26.stood 27. wondered 28 was 29. thought 30. were 31. were 32. have been sitting 33. looked 34. had been stopped 35. are 36. put 37. will go 38. sing 39. are 40. explained 41. still was showing 42. set

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