Ответить на вопросы. 1. Where is US situated? 2. What is it washed by?

richardbr 28 октября 2023

Ответить на вопросы. 1. Where is US situated? 2. What is it washed by? 3. What is the typical weather of the country? 4. What is the scenery of thecountry? 5. What is the population of the country? 6. What are the most famous places to enjoy the beauty and power of wild America? 7. What mighty rivers of the USA do you know? 8. What big mountain chains can you name? 9. What attractts people to the Grand Canyon? 10. Why do peple say that the US is a young country? 11. What do the authors of the text say abut Americans" likes and interests& 12. How do you understand the phrase "The US is a big melting pot"?

категория: английский язык


1. it's situated in the south of America.2. the US is washed by the Pacific Ocean , by the Atlantic Ocean , by the Carribean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.3.From cold Alaska to sunny Florida.4. there are many wild areas, parks , forests and wildlands.5. more than 250 million people live in the USA.6.the places of enjoying it: the Grand Canyon,Yosemite Valley and Yellowstone.7. I know the Mississippi, the Colorado the Missouri.8. The Appalachians.9. the canyon looks different t different times of day, at sunrise and sunset the red , gold,brown and orrange colours of the rocks.10. because its written history is only a few hundreed years old.11.Americans are interested in old traditions , but they good at doing new traditions too.12. I understand it like explonaton it's great number of nationalities. У нас это в контрольной было. Так написала 5 получила)

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28 октября 2023
Task II. Choose the correct item.After Laura had been living in Rome 1) __for___ (since, before, for) several months, she realised that there were many things she hadn’t seen. 2) even though_____ (Even though, Despite, In spite of) she had plenty of free time, she hadn’t even been to 3) _the____ (a, the, -) Vatican or the Coliseum, and she wished she 4) _had seen____ (sees, would see, had seen) more. People had told her that the Villa Borghese was worth 5) _seeing____ (see, to see, seeing) , so she got up early one Saturday so that she 6) __coul spend___ (could spend, spent, will spend) the day there. She considered taking her umbrella in case it 7) _rained____ (would rain, rained, could rain). The morning was 8) __such a___ (such, such a, so) lovely though, she decided it probably wouldn’t, so she left it behind. When she got there she had her picture taken 9) _by____ (with, by, from) a man who told her he 10) _woul send____ (will send, sent, would send) her copies of it 11) if_____ (if, when, by) she gave him her address. In fact he kept 12) __asking___ (ask, to ask, asking) her questions about herself 13) _until____ (by the time, if, until) she became suspicious. She knew she 14) __shouldnt___ (shouldn’t, couldn’t, mustn’t) have given him her address at all, but it was 15) _too____ (much, such, too) late. An hour or so later it started to rain so she decided to go home at once. When she got there, she 16) found_____ (found, had found, finds) the door open; her house 17) was burgled_____ (was burgled, had been burgled, had been stolen). The “photographer” had told her he would send her pictures, but he hadn’t 18) _said____ (said, asked, told) her that he would ring his friends and have them rob her house 19) __while___ (while, as soon as, until) she was out. If only she 20) _had been____ (were, had been, would be) more careful, none of this would have happened.

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