Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What does 'being green' mean to you?

reger 02 октября 2023

Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What does 'being green' mean to you? Give an example. 2. Do you think most people are already green enough? 3. Do you think most people would like to be green but are not?

категория: английский язык


1.It means to love and protect nature.For example to plant trees and flowers.2.I don't think so. Because many people go to the forest and cut trees, pick flowers, leave litter and make fires.3.No, I don't think so.4TI think it is not possible to be green in today's modern life. because being green is a voluntary job. Nobody will give you money for this and nowadays people work for money. They have no time.5.The result is that many forests with trees and animals and birds disappear.6.I think people must be more careful. They must not pollute the environment. And most people are indifferent.

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