Paraphrase these sentences. Use the verbs in the passive voice

svetik555 18 ноября 2023

Paraphrase these sentences. Use the verbs in the passive voice. (И переведите плиз) 1) Roger meant to make his brothers sit still. 2) Mymother never lets me leave home after ten.

категория: английский язык


1) Roger's brothers were made to sit still.2) I'm never allowed by my mother to leave home after ten.3) How was he made to listen to you? 4) I am allowed by the farmer to live in a small caravan behind his house.5) Andrew will be made (by me) to pay the money back.6) The old lady was made to wait more than an hour.7) I'm allowed by my granny to look through her old photographs.8) I'm never allowed by my parents to go to the river alone.9) I wasn't allowed to see what she was doing.10) Ann was made (by me) to smile.

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