Part 1 . Choose the correct item.1. What … good news!

splin 17 октября 2023

Part 1 . Choose the correct item.1. What … good news! a) a b) the c) — 2. -Pete has a new job. Now he"ll have to get up at 6 o"clock every day.- No problem. He is used … up early.a) to get b) get c) to getting 3. Do you like … . building at the end of the street? a) this b) that c) those 4. Can you show me … same cup, please? a) a b) the c) — 5. She will … . speak French in two years. a) be able to b) can b) must .6. Don"t learn all the words today. You … . to remember them. a) must b) could b) won"t be able 7. When I came in , he … . to the teacher.a) used to listen b) listened c) was listening 8) When I … a little boy, I liked to watch birdsa) was b) am c) had been 9. He … breakfast. Now he is washing up.a) has b) had c) has had10… the floor yet? a) Have you washed b) Are you washing c) Did you wash

категория: английский язык


Part 1 . Choose the correct item.1. What … good news! a) a b) the c) — 2. -Pete has a new job. Now he"ll have to get up at 6 o"clock every day.- No problem. He is used … up early.a) to get b) get c) to getting 3. Do you like … . building at the end of the street? a) this b) that c) those 4. Can you show me … same cup, please? a) a b) the c) — 5. She will … . speak French in two years. a) be able to b) can b) must .6. Don"t learn all the words today. You … . to remember them. a) must b) could b) won"t be able 7. When I came in , he … . to the teacher.a) used to listen b) listened c) was listening 8) When I … a little boy, I liked to watch birdsa) was b) am c) had been 9. He … breakfast. Now he is washing up.a) has b) had c) has had10… the floor yet? a) Have you washed b) Are you washing c) Did you wash

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