Передайте следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.1

tyrot 13 августа 2024

Передайте следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.1. They are building a bridge over the river. 2. I haven't yet translated the article. 3. You will speak about the film at the lesson. 4. The head mistress sent for the pupil's parents. 5. Has the secretary typed the letters? 6. We turn on the light when it is dark. 7. The students finished their translation in time. 8. Helen washed the dishes. 9. Betty often took her young er brother for a walk. 10. Mother has made some coffee. 11. Have you ironed your dress yet? 12. Nina mispronounced this word. 13. They have told her the truth.14. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard. 15. I shall finish my work about seven o'clock. 16. Somebody has opened the door. 17. The waitress brought in the coffee. 18. One ofmy friends took me to the cinema last week. 19. We shall finish this work in time. 20. They built this house in 1960.

категория: английский язык


1. A bridge over the river is being built (by them). 2. Thearticle hasn’t been translated yet by me. 3. The film will be spoken about atthe lesson by you. 4. The pupil's parents were sent for by the head mistress.5. Has the letters been typed by the secretary? 6. The light is turned on when itis dark. 7. The students’ translation was finished in time. 8. The dishes werewashed by Helen. 9. Betty’s younger brother is often taken for a walk by her.10. Some coffee has been made by mother. 11. Has your dress been ironed yet? 12. This word was mispronounced by Nina. 13. The truth was told her by them. 14.Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. 15. My work shall be finishedabout seven o'clock. 16. The door has been opened by somebody. 17. The coffee wasbrought in by waitress. 18. I was taken to the cinema by one of my friends lastweek. 19. This work shall be finished in time. 20. This house was built in1960.

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13 августа 2024
ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, БУДУ ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРНА, ОЧЕНЬ НАДОA Wonderful Discovery. Sarah had a son of ten, who was called Jack.A Wonderful Discovery. Sarah had a son of ten, who was called Jack. He did not like studying, but loved watching television. Sarah used to drive at school at half past four in the afternoon, bring Jack back home and give him some tea, but as soon as he got home, he always rushed to the television set and turned it on. “Haven’t you got any homework, Jack? ” his mother always asked him as she began to make tea. “Eh? Oh, yes, I have got a little,” he used to answer. “I’ll do it later when there’s nothing interesting on the television.” At first Sarah had allowed Jack to watch television instead of starting his homework first, but soon she discovered that he never had a little homework – it was always a great deal- and that there was never a time when there was nothing interesting on television, so that after putting off doing his homework for a couple of hours, Jack was too tired to do his homework properly, if at all. Sarah then decided to make him do it first. This was always a battle, and often when Jack obeyed his mother, he did his work quickly and carelessly as he wanted to finish it quickly and get back to his beloved television. The result was the same as when he left his homework until last; bad work, which he was punished for the next day at school by getting low marks, either because his homework was full of mistakes, or because he did not know the work he was supposed to have prepared the night before. One evening Jack’s science homework was about famous inventors like Thomas Edison, who made important discoveries and inventions in the field of electricity. When he had homework that consisted of learning facts, his mother began to test him when he finished, to try to make sure that he had really done the work properly and not left anything out, and this was what she did this time. She did not let him stop until she was sure that he knew what was in his book. But this time, it was less of a battle than usual to make Jack sit down and go over what he had learnt carefully, because it had strong connection with television. In class the next day, the teacher said to Jack,” What are some of the things that Thomas Edison did for science? ” “Well,” Jack answered happily, “first of all, if it were not for Edison, we’d all be watching television by candlelight.” А. Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Jack had a lot of homework. 2. He did not do his homework well because he was not a clever boy. 3. Jack’s mother made him do his homework. 4. Jack enjoyed doing his homework about Thomas Edison. B. Answer the following questions. 1. Was there sometimes nothing interesting on the television for Jack? 2. Were Jack’s results better when his mother made him do his homework? 3. What did Jack‘s mother do to stop him being punished at school? 4. Why was Jack’s answer funny? ПОМОГИТЕ СДЕЛАТЬ, ОЧЕНЬ НАДО
13 августа 2024
Переведите текст на английский языкТехнический прогресс не стоит на месте, а развивается с бешеной скоростью. То, что было удивительной новинкой десять лет назад, сегодня безнадежно устарело. В погоне за новыми способами улучшить нашу жизнь, сделать наши будни более рационально организованными программисты всего мира трудятся и создают самые разнообразные гаджеты и «примочки» для простых обывателей. Некоторые приспособления для дома настолько просты и гениальны, что остается только удивляться, как до этого не додумались раньше. А другие гаджеты настолько сложны в своей конструкции, что обычному человеку ни за что не разобраться Так как все приспособления, которые выдумывают люди, стремясь сделать нашу жизнь проще, позволяют нам тратить меньше времени на какие-то мелочи, которые не стоят особого внимания. Таким образом все эти разнообразные гаджеты ускоряют нашу жизнь, помогают нам в быту, в работе, в учебе и в других сферах человеческой жизни. Еще с древних времен все изобретения, придуманные человеком, были призваны облегчить его будни. Сегодня нам не нужно ждать месяцами письма от человека, который живет в другом городе, или дожидаться очереди в отделении междугородней связи, чтобы поговорить с ним. Достаточно включить свой компьютер или достать планшет или смартфон и выйти в интернет. На то, чтобы получить сообщение от другого человека сейчас уходят доли секунды. Сегодня любой человек может связаться со своими близкими, друзьями в любое время и в любом месте. И это безусловный плюс к техническому прогрессу.

mtv100, 13 августа 2024
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