Перепишите текст в прошедшем времени: on monday we have five lessons

leffco 11 ноября 2023

Перепишите текст в прошедшем времени: on monday we have five lessons. the first lesson is russian. at this lesson we write a dictation and do someexercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. he answers well and gets five. after the second lesson i go to the canteen. i eat a sandwich and drink a cup of coffe. then i go to the library and change a book. then i go home.

категория: английский язык


First lesson was russian. We wrote a dictation and did some exercises. Nick went to the blackboard. He answered well and got five. After the second lesson I went to the canteen. I eat a sandwhich and drunk a cup of coffee. Then I went to the library and changed a book. Then I went home.

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