Переведите предложения в паст симпл On Monday we had five lessons

galaxylenovo 01 октября 2023

Переведите предложения в паст симпл On Monday we had five lessons. The first lesson was Russian. In this lesson, we wrote dictation and do someexercise. Sasha went to the board. Sasha answered well and got five. After the second lesson, we went to the dining room. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of coffee. I do not drink milk. After school I went home.

категория: английский язык


On Monday we had five lessons. The first lesson was Russian. In this lesson we wrote dictation and did some exercises. Sasha went to the board. Sasha answered well and got five. After the second lesson, we went to the dining room. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of coffee. I did not drink milk. After school I went home.

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