Переведите текст в Past Simple плииз) Winter is a nice season

chibis 04 сентября 2023

Переведите текст в Past Simple плииз) Winter is a nice season. Some people like summer or autumn, but others like winter. December, January and February are winter months. But in some places winter begins in November and ends in March or April. The nights in winter are very long, and it is dark when we get up in the morning. The days are short.The ground, the fields and the trees are white with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, and people put on their warm clothes when they go out.Boys and girls like to skate and ski. You can see a lot of children running and jumping in the snow or playing snowballs. Little children like to make snowmen.

категория: английский язык


Winter was a nice season. Some people liked summer or autumn, butothers liked winter. December, January and February were winter months.But in some places winter began in November and ended in March or April.The nights in winter were very long, and it was dark when we got up inthe morning. The days were short.The ground, the fields and the trees were white with snow. Sometimes it was very cold, and people put on theirwarm clothes when they went out.Boys and girls liked to skateand ski. You could see a lot of children running and jumping in the snowor playing snowballs. Little children liked to make snowmen.

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