Перевидите на англисский она девочка, красивая, добрая, спортивная…

supervizer 22 сентября 2023

Перевидите на англисский она девочка, красивая, добрая, спортивная, красивая, она мояподруга

категория: английский язык


She is a girl. She is nice,kind.athletic. She is my Friend.

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22 сентября 2023
it's 7 pm at lisa's house and shes in her room doing her homework. however homework is just one of the things she`s doing while her eyes are fixed onthe computer screen. as well as styding for her biology exam, lisa is also listening to music, chating with her best friend online? downloading songs and occasionally texting people on her mobile phone. "my parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studing? but they dont understand that it helps me concetrate", she says. It`s not usually for human beings to do several things at the same time but in our fast-paced technological society, the situation has come to a head. Young people today spent nearly 6 1/2 hours a day using various types of media, doing differentthings at the same time. This is the reason why they are called the multi-tasking generation, r Generation.M. But how do their brains deal with multi-yasking Automatic actions like walking and chatting on the phone can be done at the same time, but when it comes to learning new informatoin, ulti-tasking has a bad impact. Задание: 1. Выпишите прилагательные 2. Выпишете правил. И неправил. Глаголы 3. Выпишите формы Passive Voice (3) и resent Perfect (1) 4. А) her eyes afe fixed on the computer. (What… on) б) It`s not unusial for people to do several things at the same time. (Tag question) в) Multi-tasking has a bad impact. (hat king of impact…?) 5.Direct~Indirect speech… She says "My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studing." 7.Active~Passive "Yong people spent nearly 6 and a half hours a day using"

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