ПервоеFill in the blanks with the right modal verb

silena 15 сентября 2023

ПервоеFill in the blanks with the right modal verb (can, may, must): 1 .Her grandmother … speak English very well. 2. You … go now. 3. You … respect your parents.

категория: английский язык


Первое 1. Can2. May3. MustВторое 1. We don't clean the flat every week.2. Father doesn't chop the wood.3. Larry doesn't swim in the pool.4. Their parents don't see all this.5. The teacher won't check our tests tomorrow. Третье 1. Does the cow stand under the tree? 2. Do they help to wipe it? 3. Does Florence have a bath? 4. Does Jolly sit and think? 5. Does Emily appreciate you for this? Четвертое 1. Marsha always dreams.2. Hugh will speak German well next year.3. Colin read books yesterday.

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