Письмо другу на английском о том, как я переехала жить в Москву

vad70 23 сентября 2023

Письмо другу на английском о том, как я переехала жить в Москву. Помогите! Срочнонадо!)

категория: английский язык


Dear Sam, Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear front you so soon. You asked me to tell you about Moscow. Well, it is a very beautiful city especially in autumn when all trees are of different colors. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. It's an ancient fortress with beautiful churches inside. Moscow is a unique city, where history and modern life are brought together. In the one hand, you can enjoy traditional Russian festivals such as Maslenitsa. On the other hand, Moscow is a modern 24-hour city where you can visit different theaters, cinemas and exhibitions. By the way, will you tell me about your school and school life? Do you have any clubs at school? Are you given much homework? Please write back. I look forward to your reply. Yours, Boris

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