Письмо другу про то как я сходила зоопарк на английском

skandinav 19 сентября 2023

Письмо другу про то как я сходила зоопарк на английском

категория: английский язык


Hi, Dima. So it is my long-awaited weekend. Today the weather was warm and I was able to walk and go to the zoo with the brothers. We had a lot of fun. Animals were awake and walking on the street in their cages. Once I went to the zoo I immediately went to the monkeys because they are funny and very cute animals. They were running around the cage and played with each other. They had the addition. the zoo we asked for food for the animals and fed them. I enjoyed it very much. I uvidea bears. They each time becoming larger and larger. At the zoo a lot of different animals, but I do not want to talk only about themselves. How are you doing? Maybe in the next letter you write about your zoo?

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